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Policies and Guidelines
available at KFUPM for the Academic Sector


A. Documents (Uploaded)

  Policy / Guidelines Date
1 Examination Guidelines for KFUPM (English) February 23, 2017
2 المبادئ التوجيهية للاختبارات في جامعة الملك فھد للبترول والمعادن جمادي الأولى 1438 هـ
3 Examination Policy for KFUPM (English) October 2016
4 سياسة الاختبارات في جامعة الملك فهد للبترول والمعادن ربيع الأول 1438 هـ
5 Guidelines for Course Coordination at KFUPM October 2016
6 Guidelines for Instructional Technology Award.pdf April 2007
7 Guidelines for Assessing Contract New Academic Program (English) July, 2008
8 Forms on Student’s Course and Instructor Evaluation October, 2017
9 Guidelines for Course Coordination at KFUPM (Revised) August, 2018
10 المبادئ التوجيهية لتنسيق المقررات ذوالقعدہ ١٤٣٩


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These documents are for use within KFUPM, by faculty and administrators only, and not to be distributed or shared with any entity.